The Current Board of Trustees of BDIX
BDIX is governed by its "Board of Trustees" which is responsible for managing and controlling of proper management and overall activities of the organisation. The "Board of Trustees" consists of the persons elected from the renowned professionals of the country and senior management of prominent ISPs. The policy and major operational decisions at BDIX are made by the "Board of Trustees". The Board formulates and recommends the long term and short term strategy to follow and approves annual and long-term plans and budgets of the Organisation. The current "Board of Trustees" consists of seven (7) members as follows:

Dr. Ainun Nishat
ChairmanProfessor Emeritus, BRAC University, Adviser, C3ER, former Vice-Chancellor, BRAC University, Former Professor, Water Resource Engineering, BUET

Dr. M. Asaduzzaman
General Secretary Professorial Fellow Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS)

Muhammad Qamar Munir
Treasurer Public Policy & Institution Specialist and Faculty, University of Dhaka

Dr. A. K. Enamul Haq
Member Professor East West University

Sumon Ahmed Sabir
Member Member of the APNIC Executive Council (EC) and Chief Strategic Officer (CSO) Fiber@Home Limited

Mohd. Zulfiquar Hafiz
Member ProfessorInstitute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka

Lt. Col. Muhammad Lutful Haq (Retd.)
Member Author, Journalist & Adviser, Daily Prothom Alo, Adviser, Sarker Communication, Brahmanbaria