Packet Clearing House (PCH) Services

May 16, 2019
Team Cymru Community Services
May 16, 2019

Packet Clearing House (PCH) Services


Packet Clearing House (PCH) is a not-for-profit research institute which operates public looking-glasses and routing data-collection facilities at many Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) around the world. In addition PCH nodes host many anycasted services. PCH currently host the country-code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) for more than three dozen countries large and small, a number of gTLDs, several root nameserver instances. Packet Clearing House, as part of its service to the Internet Community, offers anycasted secondary DNS service for country code top level domains (ccTLDs) and other critical infrastructure domains. PCH operates its servers at Internet exchange points to reach a wide range of network users.

Packet Clearing House provided support to Bangladesh Internet Exchange (BDIX) in the process of formation by supplying the switching equipment that forms the technological core of exchanges, besides their most valuable contribution is in the form of technical expertise, training and mediation with policy and economic officials of the local government. In forming new Internet exchanges, PCH facilitates a multi-phase process:

  • organize local stakeholders in an unserved region to form an independent, not-for-profit industry association;
  • guide that association through the necessary decisions regarding organizational, financial, and governance structure;
  • work with government in the region to ensure a beneficial regulatory climate;
  • assist them with site selection and preparation;
  • and finally organize an intensive week-long series of classes and workshops that culminates in the physical turn-up of the exchange facility and its inauguration with production traffic.

With support from PCH, BDIX is providing following support to all its members

  • Internet Exchange Point for peering physical interconnections for its members to exchange and route local Internet traffic locally.
  • Looking Glass Support  for BDIX members which gives a view of the routes that are advertised by members and received by the route-servers (RS) and route-collectors (RC). To see the current Looking Glass statistics of BDIX members please Click here
  • .ORG mirror server service
  • NTP Server Services to provide Network Time Protocol (NTP) service for the members and other authorized users under BDIX